Wednesday, June 5, 2024

LTA enforcement officer dies in bike chase along SLE, 18 year old motorcyclist arrested

 Date: 5 June 2024


  On June 4, Tuesday, police were informed of a traffic accident involving lorries, a motorcycle and a van. The LTA enforcement officer was the rider of the motorcycle, and was believed to be pursuing the 18 year old man before the major accident. The reason for the chase was because of the 18 year old man being suspected of multiple charges, dangerous riding without a valid license, possession of scheduled weapons, and drug related activities. 

  Despite telling the 18 year old man to stop repeatedly, the 18 year old man still continued driving away, at a higher speed. This caused the LTA officer, Mr Zdulfika to crash into a road divider. 

  After the incident, in which Mr Zdulfika was rushed to the hospital and still ended up passing away, many offer their condolences to his family and the LTA mentioned him as a ‘valuable member of their enforcement team’

Monday, May 27, 2024

Covid 19 (current situation)

 Title: Clinics pump in more resources to combat Covid 19 cases, respiratory infections 

Date: 27 May 2024


  Due to the current rise of Covid 19 cases, clinics have taken measures, including a rise in manpower and supplies. Due to the high amount of people coming to clinics for medical help, a rise in manpower is certainly needed. However, the medicine also needs to be stocked up, be in medicine for sore throat, which is the most common symptom Covid 19 patients show, or for patients reporting to clinics claiming they have respiratory problems. 

  Although there certainly is a spike in the number of Covid 19 cases, clinics still claim that there is almost twice the number of patients reporting to clinics, which is a high number. There is also a rise in demand for ART test kits, and although the situation right now can be described as ‘under control’, it is believed that it can get much worse.

  Doctors strongly remind us to get vaccination if we haven’t already, stay home when we are sick, or if going out to wear a mask if we are unwell. Although we have hybrid immunity to this virus although we took some vaccines in the past, people still stay vigilant and thus, there has been a rise in people who are taking vaccines in this period of time, statistically.

Saturday, December 23, 2023





                    AUTHORS COMMENTS 


Sunday, December 10, 2023







Monday, November 27, 2023





Monday, October 16, 2023

Water deficit in southern Gaza Strip

   Ever since the Hamas attack, not only were there 1400 people killed, but ever since the attack, the gazans have been facing a water shortage.

  Every time Gazans need to use the toilet, the would have to queue up for hours and most of them also have not showered for days. Sadly, the country is also facing an electricity and food shortage. Foods the civilians can find sometimes are most commonly tuna fish and cheese, and food supplies the were lacking profusely faced a surge in prices.

  Some Gazans also fled to their relatives house nearby, only to find other families living in that particular house. The Gazans know that if they bathe, they would not have enough water to drink due to the water shortage. Many Gazans are very desperate for mainly water, but also food and electricity consecutively.

                       WRITERS THOUGHTS

I feel pity towards the Gazans as they do not have water, an essential resource needed by humans. It also saddens me that the Gazans also face food and electricity shortage and I hope that their situation can improve.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Article summarisation and review



  Almost 10% of Singaporeans have a gene that puts them at a high risk of getting Parkinson’s disease, which is most commonly known in the form of disease that causes instability and uncontrolled movements. Although this sounds unpleasant to the ears, however, there is a simple way to reduce that risk.

  The solution is coffee, or even tea! Coffee plays a very important part in this as it helps reduce the risk of getting Parkinson’s by four to eight times in people! How amazing is that? Considering that PD is the most neurodegenerative disease in Singapore, finding a solution to it is a big achievement. Coffee is known to have a potential protective effect against PD, thus, drinking about up to 2 cups of coffee a day can help to greatly reduce the risk of getting PD.

  To dive deeper in the concept, we all know that coffee contains caffeine, which is the real magic. Aside from the effects that we all know about caffeine, did you know that consuming about 400ml of caffeine a day helps to maximise the chances of not getting PD. An experiment was conducted with people who drank different amounts of coffee a day, and it was found that consuming 400ml a day was the best. 


  In my opinion, I think that it is really amazing how much of an impact just merely one cup of coffee does to our body! Although it saddens me how much of our population has risks of PD, I feel better knowing that there is a chance to combat PD! After reading this article, I might even consider taking coffee!

LTA enforcement officer dies in bike chase along SLE, 18 year old motorcyclist arrested

 Date: 5 June 2024 URL: